
Serve God With All Our Hearts and Souls – Reflection on Matthew 22:37-38

Today’s Gospel

Jesus said to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. – Matthew 22:37-38


God requires us to love Him with all our hearts and minds. There is God’s good intention in it. God is holy, while we are sinners deeply corrupted by Satan. Based on our corrupt essence, in fact, we are unworthy of loving God, much less of enjoying His love. God requiring us this way is God uplifting us and showing God’s grace to us. If we can love God with all our heart and mind, we can receive God’s salvation, live in His care and protection, break away from Satan’s bondage and live a real human life. Take Peter for example: It was because he pursued to love God and satisfy God in all his life that the Lord gave to him the keys of the kingdom of heaven. He accepted God’s commission and fed the Lord’s sheep for the sake of carrying out God’s will, and he was able to love God utterly and obey God till death, bearing a beautiful and resounding witness to God. If we can pursue to love God and obey God like Peter, dedicate ourselves to carrying out God’s will, and become people who truly love God, this is the most meaningful life. Just as God’s words say, “The reason only those who truly love God have the most value and meaning in their lives, the reason only they truly believe in God, is that these people are able to live in God’s light and are able to live for God’s work and management. It is because they do not live in darkness, but live in the light; they do not live meaningless lives, but lives that have been blessed by God. Only those who love God are able to testify of God, only they are God’s witnesses, only they are blessed by God, and only they are able to receive God’s promises. Those who love God are God’s intimates; they are the people beloved by God, and they can enjoy blessings together with God. Only people such as this will live to eternity, and only they will forever live under God’s care and protection.”

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