
Gospel Movie | Finding the Path to Help My Child Escape Gaming Addiction (Highlights)

2,857 |2018-12-18

“Child, Come Back Home” Clip Introduction

There are many youngsters in modern society who are enthralled by online gaming and are unable to free themselves. This has a severe impact on both their health and their studies. No matter what parents think up to try and get their children to quit the internet, it is all to no avail, and how to get their children to break their web addiction has become the biggest headache for many families. This movie clip, There Is a Way to Break the Addiction of Young Web Addicts, will shine a light for us.


» Watch full movie “Child, Come Back Home”, or more clips:

• Christian Movie “Child, Come Back Home” Clip: Why Is the World So Dark and Evil?

• Christian Movie “Child, Come Back Home” Clip: Sincere Faith in God Can Successfully Break Gaming Addiction

• Christian Movie “Child, Come Back Home” Clip: Experiences and Testimony of Successfully Breaking Gaming Addiction After Believing in God

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